It is April and that means it’s… School Library Month! Governor Glen Youngkin has officially recognized this month at the state level. Click here to see the certification of recognition. As always, check out the AASL's School Library Month advocacy page for tons of goodies!
April 12: Drop Everything and Read
April 23-29: National Library Week
April 25: National Library Workers Day
April 26: National Library Outreach Day
VAASL is excited to bring back our #VAASLSmallSteps campaign this month! Throughout the month we encourage you to complete small steps to advocate and promote our school libraries.
Check out our School Library Month #VAASLSmallSteps calendar for a variety of ideas that can be used any day of the month! We know some of you have spring break in April, use these ideas when they fit best. Every time you complete a small step, let us know on this form and you will be entered in the drawing for a prize!
Most importantly, please share on social media with the #VAASLSmallSteps to inspire others! Now more than ever we need to showcase just how essential school librarians are for student success!
Check out daily posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for reminders.

Questions? Contact:
Kendel Lively, VAASL Advocacy Chair @[email protected] or
Kelly Passek, VAASL President-elect @[email protected]